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AIM Active Update Pop-up?

09 Jan Posted by in Twitter | Comments

Question by ergdfhdfhfhsfghfhdfgdgf: AIM Active Update Pop-up?
For a few weeks now I have been getting a pop-up, and it says,

“The following update is ready to install.

AIM(R) Software – AIM 6.9 Upgrade: The AIM Software you are using has expired. A new version is available for install. With this new version you can find friends more easily with fast friend finding tools and status updates from AIM, Twitter and more.

Update 4426.0.4”

It’s driving me crazy because it just keeps popping up at the bottom of my screen. At first I didn’t trust it and just kept exiting but then got so annoyed that I just clicked install in hopes that it would go away. It supposedly installed the new version of AIM but it didn’t work and I couldn’t log on, so I uninstalled it and re-downloaded my older version of AIM, I think it’s 6.8. It works fine, but I still get the pop-up very often. And while I was visiting my grandmother this week I downloaded the same version of AIM onto her computer and got the pop-up on that computer too.
Can anybody tell me what this is and how to get rid of it?

Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Cole
You could try any of these:
a. If you have AIM open, exit out of it.
b. Go to My Computer -> C: (Local Disk) -> Programs Files -> AIM
c. Delete or rename the following 2 files: anotify.exe, aolsoftware.exe
d. Now restart your AIM, the Active Update pop-up should no longer be showing. hope this helps. (:

I have AIM6 to and have been having the EXACT same problem.The next time it asks you to update, don’t x it out right away. Open your task manager. Click on the PROCESSES tab (to the right of applications) near the top there should be one called Anotify (or something similar) RIGHT click that then click ‘Open File Location’ (should be the very top choice) it should open a folder and have the anotify application highlighted. Now close AIM and the notification pop up, but KEEP THE FOLDER OPENED. (you can use the task manager to close AIM, aol, and anotify processes if u want, but i don’t think it matters) now, once they are closed, with the folder opened, and anotify selected, press delete. It should ask your for permission ect, click continue when prompted. YOU NEED TO BE ON AN ADMIN ACCOUNT OF THE COMPUTER. once deleted, open AIM and it should never bother you again.

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