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How do i use a trending topic on Twitter?

21 Nov Posted by in Twitter | 1 comment

Question by back-up account: How do i use a trending topic on Twitter?
I’ve had twitter for a year and i’ve never used a trending topic. How do you use them? Do you have to write the # in front of the word or just the word?

Best answer:

Answer by rocket_girl
whichever the trending topic shows up as for example #nowplaying or Shorty Award just type it as it shows up it really doesnt matter

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One comment

  • couchcashdotcom says:

    If you want to follow the trending topic of your choice, just open your Home Page and click on the links listed under Trending Topics. On the other hand if you want to get on that list with one of your Tweets, use the label for the topic you want to be listed under to start your Tweet or include it somewhere in the 140 characters. To get your OWN topic listed, you need to get others to retweet it or use the same label until you rank high enough. If you have lots of true followers this is not as hard as it sounds.

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