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Q&A: How do you connect your Twitter with your myspace?

20 Nov Posted by in Twitter | Comments

Question by Nicole.: How do you connect your Twitter with your myspace?
Usually celebrities do this, and you see that when they update their Twitter status, its updates their myspace status too. How do they do that?
I’ve looked around my Twitter to see if I could figure out how to do it, but I couldn’t. How?

Best answer:

Answer by Kevin Magee
You have to “Twitter sync to your my-space” On ur myspace go to Account Settings oR my account and where it says ” Privacy password nd all of that ull c Sync go to that nd click on “get Sync” and the rest should be easy cuzz all u have to do then is put in ur twitter display name and password…. Well i hope this help 4 you 🙂

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