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Q&A: How do you make a custom twitter background?

19 Oct Posted by in Twitter | 1 comment

Question by G.l. Sykes: How do you make a custom twitter background?
Hey I just created a twitter and i think the back ground is kind of lame, can someone tell me how to get custom backgrounds? thanks.

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  • Kelsey says:

    There are two ways to get custom backgrounds:

    1. Pay someone to make one for you (or ask someone who you know is good with making graphics (maybe they’ll do it for free)).

    2. Make one yourself.

    Keep in mind that custom (or customized) means it was created to fit YOU. Nobody else would even have the background because it’s yours entirely.

    I personally make my own backgrounds but at the moment, I don’t do custom orders.

    Hopefully you can find someone but like they say, sometimes to get the job done, you need to do it yourself (I recommend downloading Photoshop). Good luck!

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