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allows  // Posts tagged as "allows"

05 Feb Posted by in Twitter | Comments

app that is like tweet deck that allows you to update both twitter and Facebook together?

Question by ????: app that is like tweet deck that allows you to update both twitter and Facebook together? K so I need an app for my iPhone that lets me update twitter AND facebook? like both in one app? and I know that the twitter app and facebook app is free but those are […]


02 Nov Posted by in Twitter | 1 comment

Any online application (apps) that allows multiple accounts in twitter to follow a single twitter account.?

Question by caloy: Any online application (apps) that allows multiple accounts in twitter to follow a single twitter account.? I have multiple accounts in twitter and what I want to do is to find an application that automatically follows a single account. Thanks! Best answer: Answer by annorax64TweetDeck Add your own answer in the comments!