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normal  // Posts tagged as "normal"

18 Nov Posted by in Twitter | 8 comments

Q&A: is twitter the new myspace? will normal people and celebrities start using it moreas it gets popular?

Question by The so awesome guy: is twitter the new myspace? will normal people and celebrities start using it moreas it gets popular? twitter should become more popular than facebook & myspace in the next years ,do you think so? Best answer: Answer by anime angelyes Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


31 Oct Posted by in Twitter | 6 comments

Q&A: What purpose does Twitter serve for normal people?

Question by midnightmarshmallow: What purpose does Twitter serve for normal people? I’ve been trying to figure this Twitter thing out and apparently it’s good for bloggers and famous people and businesspeople to share news about what’s going on. My question is, what purpose does it serve for regular people that don’t have a new album […]