by toprankonlinemarketing Question by Rory Morgan: Why do applications on my jailbroken iphone stop working? When i install a jailbroken app on my iphone, apps that i have already downloaded from the app store like facebook and twitter and sky+ stop working. My iphone version is 3.1.3 and my modem firmware is 04.05.04_G. Can someone […]
Question by superpanoramas: My Twitter account follows 3- 4 people a day I never followed. Nothing seems to change it. How do I stop it? I am trying this again because the previous time I asked no one seemed to understand what I was asking. – My problem isn’t about people following me, it is […]
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by Tim Patterson Question by George: How do I get twitter to stop sending me hundreds and hundreds of texts? I signed up for the vodafone twitter text thing yesterday so i could update twitter by texting 86444. but after receiving hundreds of pointless texts about turning on and off updates i decided i wanted […]
by stevegarfield Question by RawrAbigail: How do I stop Twitter from sending me updates from the people I’m following to my phone? I’m not near a computer and I dun wanna wake up every time I hear the phone ring for Twitter.. How do I just silence the tweeds for a few hours from my […]
Question by superpanoramas: My Twitter account follows 3- 4 people a day I never followed. Nothing seems to change it. How do I stop it? I don’t use any apps or Twitter automation software. I changed my password. It still happens. I have no clue how to stop it and it is annoying as hell. […]
Question by Ambi: How do I stop Twitter from updating on my Facebook? I have my twitter account set up to where it sends my twitter updates to my facebook as well. How do i stop that? Best answer: Answer by davidng0123You need to go to the Application Settings on Facebook. Edit the Twitter settings, […]
Question by cVisions: How to stop twitter from automatically logging onto main account? I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this but I have multiple accounts that I use for twitter and if I’m logged into any of my newer accounts for any length of time, it will eventually assume me logged in as […]
Question by Kyle M: How do I stop twitter from sending updates to my phone? I keep getting twitter updates on my phone. I removed the people following me that i keep getting them from, removed my number from the mobile page in my settings. I emailed twitter about it. And i still keep getting […]
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