by Hugger Industries Question by DuffsNewRose93: What’s the best twitter app…? For Windows Vista? I use Twitter a lot and I’ve been trying a few widgets and apps, but none of them dock on the side. Anyone know if there’s a good one one that docks on the side of the screen? Best answer: Answer […]
Question by Neesha Hall: Whats the best twitter app for mobile phone ? I have a samsung seek , & twiiter have apps for blackberry , android iphone etc . & i want a app that i can chanqe my picture or anything . thanks Best answer: Answer by bonni waldorfI actually searched the same […]
by gyazickr Question by Matt F: What’s the Significance of Twitter…? I have a IPhone, and at the App store I have seen alot of Twitter Cliant Apps.. So I looked into Twitter. I understand it’s like a mini-blog, to see “What are your friends doing” Before I sign up I asked my friends to […]
Question by Kayla M: What’s the actual twitter app for iPhone/iTouch called?? (tweetdeck, twitterific, etc.)? I’m kind of new to Twitter and some of the apps for it confuse me. Some celebrities update their twitters from so many different places like tweetdeck, tweetie, twitterific, etc. What is the actual app for the iPhone/iTouch called? Just […]
Question by –Imanginary World–: What’s wrong with my computer/ and or internet? Okay, so this is what’s down.. 🙂 When I click on the ‘Internet’ icon, it opens up the internet.. But.. the thing is, is that when it opens, it shows absolutely nothing.. It shows the icons at the top of the page, like […]
by cambodia4kidsorg Question by I forgot my name: What’s the advantage of a twitter app on my computer rather than just doing it through the twitter site? I’m new to twitter and am a little confused, People seem to be using apps rather than simply the site like they do for Facebook. Thanks Best answer: […]
by The Daring Librarian Question by ?u??s: What’s the best mobile app for Twitter that works with any or almost any phone? I want to use Twitter from my mobile phone but I don’t wanna use my phone’s browser to do it, what are some good apps? Best answer: Answer by Maxineit depends on what […]
by Torley Question by LinakeTay: What’s your opinion about Twitter? I’m just curious what you guys think! Do you like it? Is it a useful tool to communicate with others and keep in touch with the world? Is it a useless, waste of time because you don’t care what others eat for breakfast? Do you […]
Question by EmilyB: What’s the difference between Facebook and Myspace to Twitter? Right now, I’m at a young age and am talking to my parent’s about making a Twitter account. They think Twitter is just another way for people to find me (paranoid rents.. gotta love them!) So is there a difference between Facebook and […]
Question by Matt Sunn: Whats the best way to get followers on Twitter.? I started and need followers. Whats the best way to do it without buying a tool. Best answer: Answer by victor 7707Yahoo is a good place to start, also myspace and facebook and all the other websites that have alot of […]
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