Question by Francisco200995: Twitter……………….?
i recently got a Twitter and, is it just me or is there not much you could do on it. Can you put music? anymore helpful tips..?
Best answer:
Answer by littlefrogling
I think maybe you misunderstand what Twitter is used for. It’s not like a Myspace page, where you customize with videos, music, etc. It’s a way to get involved in a giant conversation with all the people that you follow on twitter.
That said:
People who want to share a song on Twitter usually tweet a song using
For pictures, try
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What can you do with Twitter?
Good question.
Actually, a better one would be, what can’t you do with Twitter.
I’ll agree with the last answer that Twitter is not…
* FaceBook
* MySpace
* Or any of the other traditional social network sites
With that said what can you do with Twitter?
* If you do a search for #green you will see that many people are turning their Twitter pictures green. Why?
* Recently Twitter switched their overnight maintenance schedule to mid day for Americans. Why?
* Barack Obama actively used Twitter to win the election of President of the United States. Why?
Simple. Twitter is one of the best political tools available today on the Internet. Yeah yeah… FaceBook is probably 2nd while eating Twit dust.
But Twitter is certainly not only political.
@Jawar’s bio reads “Motivational Speaker, Author, Business Consultant”
@BodyByChocolate (me) bio reads “Eat healthy delicious nutritious antioxidant rich Xocai chocolates”
@cheerz2you bio reads “interested in making money online”
This is all evidance that Twitter can be successfully used to generate businesses or start businesses of all types. My own Body By Chocolates story is proof of that.
But Twitter isn’t just a business tool either.
Twitter handles like…
Show that Twitter can be used for a religious platform.
But Twitter isn’t just a religious platform either.
The fact is Twitter is whatever you want to make it though it may take some doing to figure out how to make it that. And now with the introduction of TwitWall you can share videos, music, stories, graphics and all sorts of things. Don’t believe me? Check out my own TwitWall…
The Body By Chocolates Man
I am so new to twitter as well and have not really grasped all of the concepts and things you can do with it. But i did run into this cool site that was a guide for me and explained everything you should look at this maybe it can help you toooo!!!
Many large companies use Twitter for customer service and marketing. Look here
Also follow two motto’s. 1. Short and sweet with Twitter 2. Good things come in small packages.
ALL YOU DO IS ANSWER THE QUESTION what are you doin thats all
Twitter is all about making friends in a better way. That why it grows like crazy. I found twitter is the best way to build a community within my niche. It grows fast and its easy.
All you have to do is just type your niche keyword in the search box and follow or join the real time conversation on it. It’s fun.