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What phones can u send pictures to twitter on for free?

20 Dec Posted by in Twitter | 2 comments

Question by Breezy: What phones can u send pictures to twitter on for free?
Ok heres the thing. I have a vu.But i want an iphone to send pictures to twitter on until my aunt told me that u cant send pictures to twitter on an iphone without paying for an internet plan or whatever. Is that true?

Best answer:

Answer by John C

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



  • Super Llama says:

    you could buy a phone with Internet access, but you have to pay an extra amount per month to use it

  • Sasuke says:

    I don’t know of anything of sending pictures to Twitter!
    But what I do know is if you want your followers/friends to see your photos on twitter you can do that a free and simple way, using one of the applications on Twitter!
    Using you can upload your photos on there, even though the website might not be designed for an I-Phone or Mobile you can still access it for free and you do not have to sign up, You can use your Twitter User name and Password and when ever you upload/comment on yours or a friends photo it is displayed on twitter as one of your tweets! Its all Simple and Easy!

    This Message is really long if you need simplifying please read below:
    Log on to its free simple and easy using your twitter user name and password!

    If doesn’t work:

    If you still cant understand it follow these simple steps:
    1.) Go to or which ever one works!
    2.) Type in your twitter USER NAME and PASSWORD at the top right-hand corner!
    3.) Click on Upload Photo in top Right-Hand Corner
    4.) Click browse and browse your computer for the photo you want to upload!
    5.) Add a description or message and click upload
    6.) Once uploaded click view photo
    7.) You have finished

    (I hope this is what your looking for I spent 45 mins on this)

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