Question by David: Are Red Sox fans happy about getting a 5 tool player Carlos Beltran?
According to Jon Hymen on twitter they are going to get him but i don’t know about this move..
He seems like a washed up player like Jeter.
Or do you think he will be a 5 tool player like back in the day?
Best answer:
Answer by Go Patriots!
If hes healthy look for big things from Beltran. They certainly are not going to be bale to pitch around him. Pitchers may even overlook him compared to Gonzalez, Ortiz and Youk. A healthy Beltran could easily post up .290 30 hr 100 rbi 20 steals 100 runs scored and contend for a gold glove. If this is true then Boston is the team to beat in the AL by a landslide
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Major breakthrough for the RedSox….a limited Beltran exceeds a healthy J.D. Drew. Part of last years problem was that Beltran had been out of baseball 8-9 months before he he also missed spring training it was inevitable that he didn’t hit when he finally appeared.
Let me assume the Mets might pay a portion on Beltran’s salary (if the story is true)
Good deal for the Red Sox….nice for the Mets also.
It’s a rumor, and unless the Mets pay most of this year’s salary, I doubt it’s very likely. He’s had microfracture surgery on his knees, which involves a fairly long recovery period. Success with that surgery has been pretty good (Amare Stoudemire has had it, and he’s 100% again), but Beltran’s 34 now, so I doubt he’ll ever be what he was when he was with KC.
The Sox are talking to several outfielders, both as short-term and long-term solutions. Beltran, Magglio Ordonez, Crawford, as well as a few who have already signed elsewhere. You have to have backup plans in case you miss your first target, and that’s what the Sox are doing.