Debbie Robins: It Takes Human Contact to Create Success!
The more we rely on e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and texting as our primary ways of communicating, the less likely we are to be known by those with whom we are interdependent for our success.
Read more on The Huffington Post
P&G’s Venus razor wins top honor
Procter & Gamble’s Gillette Venus on Wednesday was named one of the “Designs of the Decade” by the Industrial Designers Society of America, the top industrial design trade group in the U.S.
Read more on The Cincinnati Enquirer
As jurors go online, trials go off track
ATLANTA, December 8 (Reuters Legal) – The explosion of blogging, tweeting and other online diversions has reached into U.S. jury boxes, in many cases raising serious questions about juror impartiality and the ability of judges to control their courtrooms.
Read more on Reuters via Yahoo!Xtra News