Question by carlos_antonini: Did the real Michael Jackson died at 12 years old,?was he killed by phisical abused..?
Neverland Ranch Investigators Discover Corpse Of Real Michael JacksonMarch 16, 2005 | Issue 41•11
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SANTA BARBARA, CA—During a search for evidence at the Neverland Valley Ranch, investigators discovered a corpse that has been identified as that of Michael Jackson, Santa Barbara police officials announced Tuesday.
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“Coroners have officially pronounced Michael Jackson dead. From what we can tell, he died between 18 and 20 years ago,” forensic investigator Tim Holbrooke said. “We are not certain, at this time, who—or what—has been standing trial in that Santa Maria courthouse.”
According to Holbrooke, Jackson’s corpse was buried just inches below a stretch of the miniature-train tracks that run throughout Neverland. The largely desiccated corpse wore the remains of a red, zipper-covered leather jacket and a single glove.
“We positively identified the body as Jackson by his dental records and DNA,” Holbrooke said. “But even before we conducted a single forensic test, we began to suspect that that we’d uncovered the real Michael, and that the disturbing figure claiming to be Jackson was a fake.”
Holbrooke said that, although the corpse was in an advanced stage of decomposition, when investigators compared the body to early-career publicity photos of Jackson, they saw a striking resemblance in bone structure and facial features. But when they compared the body to photos taken after 1987, the resemblance was negligible.
“This discovery raises a lot of questions, but it also sheds light on a number of disturbing incidents,” Holbrooke said. “Frankly, Jackson had been acting pretty strange.”
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Investigators move Jackson’s body, found buried at Neverland Ranch (above).
Forensic experts and music critics are postulating that Jackson was dead before the release of the multi-platinum album Bad. Detectives are currently analyzing the lyrics to “Man In The Mirror” for any clues relating to a look-alike entity that many suspect murdered the youngest member of the Jackson 5 and assumed his identity.
“We believe that Neverland served as some sort of freakishly whimsical tomb constructed by Jackson’s killer,” Holbrooke said. “We also suspect that all of the iniquities that occurred on that ranch were the work of the imposter. I wouldn’t have ever thought it possible, but we are looking at a situation where the sexual abuse of a 13-year-old cancer patient is the tip of the iceberg.”
Holbrooke said that, while the living Jackson is the leading suspect in the murder investigation, he “could be another victim of some sort.”
“Basically, we have no idea what type of creature we are dealing with,” Holbrooke said.
A member of the investigative team that discovered Jackson’s body described the experience as “otherworldly.”
“As we neared the perimeter of Neverland, the dogs started whining and howling like crazy,” Santa Barbara County detective Frank Poeller said. “We had to pull them into the house. When we got to Jackson’s bedroom, one of them almost choked himself to death on his leash trying to get out through the window. Minutes later, the same dog led us to the corpse.”
A representative from Jackson’s self-created label, MJJ Productions, said he was not surprised to find out that the current Jackson is an imposter.
“When we were recording ‘Heal The World’ for Dangerous, I could tell something was terribly, terribly wrong,” MJJ manager Luke Allard said. “Michael didn’t seem like himself anymore. He’d demand bizarre food and sit for hours in a hyperbaric chamber. His appearance began to become more and more peculiar. Soon afterwards, he started wearing a mask and confiding in a chimpanzee.”
“I remember thinking, ‘This man has become a monster,'” Allard said. “If only I’d known how right I was.”
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The creature that claims to be Michael Jackson.
Allard said he thinks that the imposter broke ties with Jackson’s former friends and surrounded himself with children who were too young to notice the radical change.
Vanity Fair reporter Beth Pither visited Neverland in 1994.
“A strangely fearful staff member led me to Jackson, but ran off before I opened the door,” Pither said. “Standing there with my hand on an ice-cold doorknob, I heard strange, unnatural sounds—leathery wings flapping, a sorrowful wail, and loud hissing. A wave of dread passed through me as I opened the door, but all I found was Michael and some kids in pajamas eating ice cream and watching 101 Dalmatians.”
While their claims have not been corroborated, other Neverland visitors have reported that when when Jackson entered a room, lights flicke
maybe the real michael that you all knew,…wasnt the real michael….hmmmmm
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Answer by yeesnaw
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The Onion is a satire site. Everything on that site is fake news.
I don’t think so..
Where do people get this kind of stuff?
i’m not gonna read all that, but no. he just now died.
Dude…..are you really gonna believe that?
No it was one of those people who look like the real erson and get surgeries like DENTAL to try to help
The Onion is nothing but trash and people should not be reading it. Get a life.
no this is just some stupid article the real mj passed away in 2009
and really if this was true whoever this is still wouldn’t be the mj we know so he wouldn’t REALLY be mj so no one would really care plus there are probably hundreds of people called michael jackson are we going to say they were all him too?
The Onion is always bringing fake news to the table, I really think that is ridiculous, how could you listen to that garbage anyway.
No? The real Jackson died 2 weeks ago..
get real, mj just died!! do you not no that those crapping little sites like onion are fake? the name onion just makes me feel like its fake! i mean come on, have some common sense!! smartness!!
I read this in the onion
Who belives the onion?
Come on!
he lived at home until he was 30…he wasn’t even at neverland yet.