by sridgway
Question by nickgalant: Has anyone or someone you know made any money with the new social tool “Twitter” yet?
Best answer:
Answer by Tanya L
Yes, I do. Depending upon what you are marketing (online product, service, etc.), you can definitely make money by building a following and getting yourself and your product or service out there. A good friend of mine has been doing just this thing for her consulting business, teleseminars and books. The two links listed below will send you to great free reports about Twitter and exactly HOW you can make money by using it. There’s so many right and wrong ways to use Twitter. These articles/reports are great starting points for any newbies to Twitter. Definitely read both of them before you get started and it should really help you out. Hope this helps!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
ya many of the co.. made money out of this tool.
like Dell made 2millon $ from twitter.
If you want more detail go through this site
Yes – I know i have , and i know many others who have made money aswell on twitter.
you can really do it in a number of ways.
if you want to learn more about it and seo in general you should check out this post:
Twitter is just like other social internet platform. If you haven’t make money anywhere else you won’t make money there too.
you can get more twitter traffic with a twitter tool,then you might be able to earn more money for visits, referrals, or sales. here is the review of top 3 twitter tools
yes, there are a lot of them out there, you can check how to make money by twitter here