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How can twitter be good for a small business?

07 Dec Posted by in Twitter | 8 comments

Question by neveragain: How can twitter be good for a small business?
I have a small seminar business with International clients. Does anyone know if twitter would be good for business ? I don’t want to put my name on there though..
Thank you

Best answer:

Answer by sweety
there you can earn money by sitting at own home and earn and very easy way to earn money
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more Google Inc wil give you opputunity to do work for that and earn and then after you can earn at least $ 10,000 and more its own you
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What do you think? Answer below!



  • Sara Julie says:

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  • Axe says:

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  • ShirleyFrazier says:

    Twitter is a highly-beneficial marketing tool for small businesses worldwide. In your case, Twitter can:

    1. Let you read tweets (Twitter messages and comments) from firms that cater to the same type of clients so you can learn how they interact with followers.

    2. Help you expand your business by connecting with owners and executives who require your expertise.

    3. Introduce you, through following other people’s tweets, to online and direct mail marketing tools being used by others that you have not considered. Why re-invent the wheel?

    Best of all, Twitter is free. You can create an account and begin using the service as you wish. If Twitter becomes a time drain rather than a marketing tool, you can stop using it with no penalty.

    Check out Twitter’s Business guide, which I’ve linked below.

    Good luck to you.

    Shirley George Frazier
    Author and Small Business Expert with a Twitter Account

  • Christopher says:

    With twitter you can use an alias there is nothing wrong with that. I just bought and read an ebook on setting up a twitter account for a small business and let me tell you it was the best 10.00 I have ever spent.

    It also tells about how after you get your followers how to pretty much set everything up on auto pilot.

    Anyway if you are interested it is only 10.00 and you can find it here.

  • n4itall says:

    Read this and decide for yourself. Twitter is an awesome asset to any business.

  • Vadim says:

    First of all you are getting backlink from twitter, and it’s really good for your business website. There are many plugins and widgets that will advertise your business automatically, and if you want to get more twitter followers and better business exposure, use tools

  • BodyByChocolates says:

    Twitter IS NOT good for business.


    In my opinion it is the best social network yet for small businesses. Many people have already given you excellent reasons why. I’m surprised that their are no Twitter “naysayers” that have chosen to chime in as of yet. Those that poo poo Twitter do not understand Twitter.

    Before I continue, above you wrote.
    “I don’t want to put my name on there though”

    To that I say…


    The last thing you want to put on Twitter as a user name IS your name. My name is Guy Siverson… (Yeah, I know – I’ll hide under my bed forevermore now… wonder how that worked in the days of the phonebooks?) However, which will you remember more? The name I listed above, which may or may not be correct — Or… my Twitter user ID of @BodyByChocolate?

    My guess is that unless I’m someone like Rush Limbau (sp?) my user ID will out perform my name. Branding is but one of many ways that you can use Twitter for your business.

    You can also…
    * Be paid to publish articles for pay on Associated Content and share your writings with your Twitter audience.
    * Create videos related to your seminar series (no talking heads please) and share links from YouTube or Tubmogul to your video postings.
    * You can also search Twitter for people interested in your specific subject and build relational community with them.

    I think most people expect to be – but it is not. Used correctly it is an excellent source of free advertising anyone can use to draw a crowd to their particular widgets. Used incorrectly Twitter makes for an excellent time waister.

    In Jan 2009 I opend my Twitter account and within six months reached the top 1% of Twitters now close to 3 million strong following. Not sure about you, but I like those numbers. This week I released a free EBook that describes how and what I used to succeed on Twitter. Just send a tweet to @BodyByChocolate and I’ll be glad to get a copy out to you.

    I hope that helps.

    The Body By Chocolate Man

    PS: I am interested in venturing into the public speaking areana with my advice about Twitter and beyond. Can you tweet @BodyByChocolate with suggestions for who I would contact to make that happen? I’d greatly appreciate it.

  • twitter expert says:

    Twitter being a micro blogging platform with 140 characters helps you tweet relevant and to the point messages.

    First of all i would recommend you to customize your twitter page for branding purpose.

    2. Always be graceful, always be helpful, always buildup, always inspire with information.

    3. You can post valuable offers- Special offers are standard marketing practice and they work on Twitter as much as anywhere else..

    4.Post News- News announcements that affect the reader are always going to be the most interesting.

    5.Twitter as Help Desk- relationships that develop on Twitter have made it a place where people ask for help on all sorts of topics — and receive it.

    Help that too in real-time !!

    6.Post Ideas on twitter- share great ideas with your clients and top twitter users on developing your business or services.

    In a sentence Twitter can boost your business to new heights if used properly and effectively.

    All the best !

    Get my Free Twitter eBook- Twitter Mastery

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