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How do you use Twitter to market your company?

08 Oct Posted by in Twitter | 1 comment

Question by Can I help you?: How do you use Twitter to market your company?
Starting to use twitter for my company and want some best practices on what works and what doesnt?


Best group of suggestions gets my points!

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One comment

  • Nick Lannan says:

    Social media marketing is beginning to grow at an astounding rate but keep in mind that social networks are for socializing and networking! The way I market products and services through twitter is well, not one that is observed by everyone but I believe is the best way period. I use platplatforms like Twitter to educate and connect with my audience about my products and services not sell. I explain why they should do business with me. I then direct all traffic to my blog where I begin the pre sell and information collection process. You are building your own list aren’t you?

    I would be happy to work with you if you like, just go to to get started!

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