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Q&A: How to do makeup like Emma Watson’s?

28 Dec Posted by in Twitter | 1 comment

Question by Victoria: How to do makeup like Emma Watson’s?
I really want to know how to do my eyes like that for an event I’m going to. I’m completely useless at this kind of thing and I’ve been doing my makeup the same since highschool (mascara, eyeliner, liquid eyeliner on top! boringgg), so I really need help and need every step explained with suggestions of exactly which tools to use and stuff. Budget-friendly though please!

here is the picture:,r:1,s:0
Looks-wise, I’m kinda similar to her in that I’m also blonde, have medium blonde hair, etc. I’m paler though with short eyelashes and definitely not as pretty as her 😛
Looks-wise, I’m kinda similar to her in that I’m also blonde, have medium length hair, etc. I’m paler though with short eyelashes and definitely not as pretty as her 😛

Best answer:

Answer by M..
Emma watson makeup 😀

Answer mine plz 😀;_ylt=AoNqBINUpI5SaaPbjnKUwDieDH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20100817093926AAC6dub

Add your own answer in the comments!


One comment

  • vanillazebraful says:

    Go to your local drugstore and you can find some pretty decent stuff at a good prices, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to achieve the EXACT same look as her since she has makeup artists, top quailty products, and photoshop.
    Start by finding a chestnut brown eyeshadow and apply extending out past the outer corners of the eyes and up past the crease.
    Find a smokey grey eyeshadow and apply all over the eyelid
    Get darker colored grey eyeshadow and apply on the outer V of you eyes. So like where (in the outer corner of your eyes) your crease is and down to the top of the eye lid (where you apply eyeliner on your eyelids). You may want to look up a smokey eye tutorial on YouTube to better understand this.
    Highlight the inner corners of your eyes with a sparkly white eyeshadow
    Since you said you have short lashes, try purchases some false eyelashes. After applying those, use a thick coat of mascara.
    Use a light peachy blush with gold-undertones and nude lipstick for the lips.

    Good luck >.<

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