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Q&A: TWITTER?????!!!!!!???

26 Sep Posted by in Twitter | 5 comments

Question by Dayla: TWITTER?????!!!!!!???
I want to make me a twitter but i really dont want to be wasting my time on nothing lots of my friends have one but idk should i get one
And I really would need some tips if i did, and how to use it and some friends of course.

Best answer:

Answer by @CelinaWasHere
I think twitter is fun
Well thats just me, Im currently addicted

Its a really good way of knowing what people are doing and where they are in a non stalkish way 😀

I recommend getting one just because your friends will have on. Not alot of mine have one.

I can totally help you will the tips and stuff

And my name would be CelinaWasHere

If you have questions just ask

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



  • BodyByChocolates says:

    Should you setup a Twitter account?

    Here are some questions to ask to determine the answer to the above question.

    1. What is the purpose of your Twitter account?

    Even if the answer is just to have a fun way to connect with your friends, answer this question before you setup an account will help you to understand your own specific purpose. Knowing your purpose before you begin will be an excellent way of knowing if Twitter is a waste of time for you or not.

    I personally use Twitter to share my healthy chocolate business opportunity with others throughout the world, or at least the 15 countries it is currently available in.

    Other people use Twitter for religious or political reasons with great success. Twitter was even a huge assett to Obama becoming the President of the USA.

    2. What type of people do I want to meet on Twitter?

    Even if you approach Twitter with a purpose, you can be easily destracted from your goal if you do not understand the type of people that you are interested in reaching. In the case of @BodyByChocolate we are interested in finding people interested in knowing about delicious healthy chocolate. As a result we have a pretty huge sphere of influence.

    The people interested in what you have may or may not be as large, but knowing who you want to connect with will help you to target those people easier especially if you use the search functions that Twitter or any of its 3rd party associates like Twollo make available.

    NOTE: No matter what your focus, strive to relate with people rather than just getting them to “buy” whatever you have; even if it is a free bible study like @BibleAnswerMan has available.

    3. How much time are you prepared to give to Twitter?

    You must set a time in my opinion. Twitter is one of my own main focuses for my chocolate marketing, but if you don’t decide to use it as your main source agree to an amount of time to spend on Twitter and stick with it. It is easy to waste time on Twitter if you are not careful.

    Hope that helps. Feel free to send me a tweet if you would like more info. @BodyByChocolate

    The Body By Chocolates Man

  • ZombieCakes says:

    Get one.
    And if you do, follow mine.

    Twitter doesn’t have a “friends” like myspace and facebook.
    Instead you can follow people which is kind of like being their friend.
    And other people can follow you.

  • Bobby says:

    hey if you need any help stil starting a twitter this guide will help you a lot it makes everything easy and twitter is awesome

  • Boboo says:

    Twitter is a microblog, or a status updating social networking site in which you make friends and follow people, or get followed by people. And when your network grows bigger you can have your voice heard by many people in your friends networks too…
    You blog or tweet with messages of no more than 140 characters. Things to be tweeted (= sending out a twit or tweet (message) on twitter) can be
    what you are thinking or doing right now
    a new post on your blog that you wrote
    a ReTweet (RT) from someone else, think of it as a forward in email

  • anime angel says:

    I think twitter is fun
    Well thats just me, Im currently addicted

    Its a really good way of knowing what people are doing and where they are in a non stalkish way 😀

    I recommend getting one just because your friends will have on. Not alot of mine have one.

    I can totally help you will the tips and stuff

    And my name would be fearlessrachael

    If you have questions just ask

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