Yahoo Pipes: SML Universe Twitter RT Mentions: Source / 2009-11-24 / SML Pipes
Image by See-ming Lee ??? SML
There are many Twitter tools now that allow you to access multiple Twitter accounts at once but there is no tool available that I know of that give you an at-a-glance overview of Twitter RT mentions across multiple Twitter accounts. This pipe is created specifically to serve this purpose.
It uses the Twitter Search API to look for Twitter mentions of @smluniverse @smlbw @smlfineart @smlgfxdesign @sml_photography @seeminglee @crazy_is_good @smlmen @smlviz @lifecelebrates.
Tada! No more going into multiple Twitter accounts just to look at them. 🙂
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The Better Profiles Series is supported by Gillette. Learn more about Gillette and its products at
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