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What happens if i run out of letters in a twitter message?

16 Nov Posted by in Twitter | 4 comments

Question by J.J.: What happens if i run out of letters in a twitter message?
What happens if i run out of letters in a twitter message and i keep on writing? the extra letters won’t show in my message or what? also im new on twitter, anybody knows something cool to do with it?

Best answer:

Answer by zep516
The letters will not show up! Not much cool stuff on twitter that I can tweet I mean see…

Add your own answer in the comments!



  • joe.attaboy says:

    It’s just like a cell text message. You can’t continue typing…the message is only so big.

    There is nothing cool about twitter. It’s the single lamest technology discover since Microsoft Bob.

    Quit now while you have the chance.

  • friendshiponfire555 says:

    It would turn out like this: I went to the mall and I met a cool person and we had fu (end of letters) n. So me and Joe….Lol, no one would see the n or so me and Joe. IDK. If you have a favorite celebrity, it’s fun to follow them on twitter and see if you can get them to reply to you. I just had Joel Madden from Good Charlotte reply to me after I sent him like 12 messages. Lol, so it’s kinda cool. Have fun!

  • yeah sure! says:

    It wont let you send it, or if its from your phone it will send as much as the limit allows it. I loooovvvee twitter! its a lot better than facebook! its so fun. First when you get it, its like okkk what is that about but you have to go on trending topics and others things your interested in and see what others are tweeting about and you will find it funny. If you like blogs then you will love twitter. Its interesting when an event is on that your watching and you want to hear how others around the world feel about it. Like the oscars were on and it was 8k tweets a second! Just funny to hear what people have to say about everything while you put your 2 cents in!

  • Docran says:

    Yes of course the letters won’t show in your message. Having only 140 characters really teaches
    you to get to the point with your tweets.

    But don’t worry, you can use Twitzer. Twitzer is a Firefox extension which lets you post text longer than 140 characters on

    It also expands TinyURLs and links so that you are sure what you are opening.

    Just search in google about Twitzer and google will show you where you can download the extension and how to use it. And the best thing, it’s free.

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