Question by Linhiee: Which ipod touch apps are free?
Hi. I recently got a ipod touch, and have no wifi, so i’m going to my friend’s house soon.. and i want to know which apps are free before checking? Please help.
1. Facebook free?
2. Youtube free?
3. MSN free?
4. Twitter free?
5. What games are free?
Best answer:
Answer by ihatepoolandu
if you check the app store, there’s a list of Top Free Apps.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Facebook is free. youtube automatically comes with the ipod. if you go to the App Store on your iPod, press Catagories, pick a catagory (games, entertainment,utilities,etc.) and at the top it will say Top Paid, Top Free, Release Date, press the Top Free, and there will be an entire list of free Games. MSN is free, but there is a MSN mobile Messenger that cost 0.99. but on the other hand twitter is free. Enjoy(:
All of them once you jailbreak it…
1. Facebook=free
2.Youtube comes with the ipod needs wifi to work
3. msn= free
5. look at the app store under top 25 and you can see the top free apps and games
All of those things there are free, assuming you mean msn messenger. it really depends what kinda games your into. you could probably download the app ‘appshopper’ it lists lots of apps, separated into genre and stuff, and you can filter to show only free stuff, so that wenever you do get access to wifi, you can use that