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Are there any Twitter apps that will let me track stats and auto-follow/respond?

04 Oct Posted by in Twitter | 1 comment

Question by Kosmos: Are there any Twitter apps that will let me track stats and auto-follow/respond?
Are there any Twitter applications that will automatically send a message when someone follows me? And, an app that will automatically follow someone when they start following me, and vice versa? And, is there a Twitter app that will let me know if people click on the links that I post?

Also, let me know of any other useful Twitter apps that you have come across.

Best answer:

Answer by Dsm Publishing
Hi Kosmos,

I personally use to automatically use twitter. It allows you to unfollow automatically when someone unfollows you. It sends you a daily email of all your stats inc followers/unfollowers etc. It also give you the option to send an automatic direct message wehn someone follows you. You can also pay dollars to them and you can automatically follow people that follow you i dont recommend this as there are lots of spammers on there & you want to keep track of who you are following so that you dont get a bad repuation.

Follow me and you can see the automatic message i use.

Ive been on twitter for a month with 5000+ followers and this has worked really well for me.

I hope that helps if you need any further help please let me know.


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