Question by Sarah: Is there a Blackberry application that monitors Twitter followers? Iphone has BirdBrain, It’s an application that lets you know for instance when you started following someone on Twitter and if they are following back. It helps you monitor changes in followers. Is there one for the Blackberry Bold ? Best answer: Answer […]
by futileboy Question by Captain Pauly: Are there any free apps for Samsung Eternity? I purchased the Eternity over the iPhone about 3 or 4 months ago, because it was 15 bucks cheaper a month for the unlimited internet..I kick myself everyday cause of it. Let me know if anyone knows of any free applications […]
by ?? Question by jack and rose: is there a way for twitter to post to my feed without changing my status? i want to be able to tweet from my phone, have it published to my facebook wall, and have it not change my facebook status. all the apps ive found only let you […]
by The Next Web Question by Kyle: Is there Any Other AT&T Cell Phone That Has Apps like on the iphone? i was just wondering. And i mean apps like Angry Birds not only facebook and twitter. Best answer: Answer by Pingle Lingle. 😀Blackberry’s 🙂 Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by .:volcom:.: are there any apps for the LG EnV touch? so i get a new phone in september, and i want the enV touch. are there any apps such as myspace,twitter,games,etc.? also, to anyone who has it, is it a good phone? Best answer: Answer by stevencx3On this phone there is a favorite […]
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Question by Joel: Is there a good Twitter App for my Verizon Samsung Rogue U960? I used to have an iPhone but I switched to Verizon because of dropped calls and now I want a good Twitter app, cause I like to tweet it up! My Samsung Rogue is pretty good but I don’t like […]
by dave_merwin Question by Jey: Is there any apps for the LG Dare phone? I want to know if there are any apps for the LG Dare phone. I would really like a twitter app or radio app if it’s possible. Best answer: Answer by SmilinLG’s latest handset, however, dares to take things in a […]
Question by Mattman: Has anybody tweet there way into another job? And did it successfully? Using twittering on cell phone or most likely computer. I am not going a management position nor desk job in a private room or cubical. I do use hand tools, sheet metal cutter, table saws, and etc. I have certificate […]
Question by cooper.parker: Is there ANY type of “untethered” jailbreak for iPod touch 3rd generation? this has probably been asked many times but I just want and updated one. I went on Geohot’s twitter and he seems to not be working on anything, I heard about some “Chronic” thing, but is there any untethered jailbreak […]
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