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Q&A: Can i use the Facebook, Myspace, and twitter apps on a unlocked sidekick lx 2009?

28 Oct Posted by in Twitter | Comments

Question by RaRe: Can i use the Facebook, Myspace, and twitter apps on a unlocked sidekick lx 2009?
My birthday is coming up and i am trying to save enough money to get an sidekick lx 2009. I have At&t but i can use my sim card and put it in an t-mobile phone. Can I use the community apps with an unlocked sidekick? People say that you can only use calling and texting, but I want to have the apps to. Does an unlocked sidekick lx 09 come with the facebook, Myspace, and twitter apps?

Best answer:

Answer by HTC HD2 FTW!
Sorry, but you will not be able to use ANY data on a Sidekick when using it with a provider other than T-Mobile. That includes any apps that require data to work. Sidekicks use special data servers that are only accessible through T-Mobile’s network, and the settings for data cannot be changed. The people that are saying that only calling and texting will work are right. Also, you may lose your contacts and messages if you turn it off since it would not be able to backup your information to the servers.

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