by Gubatron Question by Ashkan: Which one do you use: Facebook, Twitter or MySpace? I personally do not use Twitter because I found it so boring. I tried MySpace for a while but it was so untidy and complicated. But I’m using Facebook for more than 7 months and I found so interesting, it’s apps, […]
by davyjones Question by thisistia(:: How do you get myspace and twitter on an Ipod Touch? I’m getting an Ipod Touch next weekend and i want to have a bunch of apps on there. I just wondered how do you get myspace on your ipod touch. Do you have to buy a special card for […]
by Raymond Yee Question by Amanda J: How to get twitter on myspace profile? i know there are apps but none of them show my direct updates from twitter, it actually shows myspace updates from twitter! how do i do it something like this Best answer: Answer by ? Bernice ? Add your own […]
Question by MARILYN: Many businesses now have a Twitter account, MySpace account, or another social media tool they use to attract? What value do social media offer for professional use? How has your commercial behavior been affected by social media? As a class, brainstorm some ideas on how social media has affected commerce. Best answer: […]
Question by Scotty N: I coded an image on nvu for my myspace profile, how do I place it at the top of my profile like a banner? The image is coded and has links to my youtube, facebook & twitter accounts. As well as having a complete contact table in a tool bar. If […]
Question by EmilyB: What’s the difference between Facebook and Myspace to Twitter? Right now, I’m at a young age and am talking to my parent’s about making a Twitter account. They think Twitter is just another way for people to find me (paranoid rents.. gotta love them!) So is there a difference between Facebook and […]
by sridgway Question by Steven G: So why did The U.S. Marine Corps ban Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other social media sites? “These internet sites in general are a proven haven for malicious actors and content and are particularly high risk due to information exposure, user generated content and targeting by adversaries,” reads a Marine […]
by Documentally Question by Nicole.: How do you connect your Twitter with your myspace? Usually celebrities do this, and you see that when they update their Twitter status, its updates their myspace status too. How do they do that? I’ve looked around my Twitter to see if I could figure out how to do it, […]
Question by The so awesome guy: is twitter the new myspace? will normal people and celebrities start using it moreas it gets popular? twitter should become more popular than facebook & myspace in the next years ,do you think so? Best answer: Answer by anime angelyes Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by BCLaynee: How do people get the little blue twitter box on their myspace? I see it everywere, those little blue boxes that just show your recent update from twitter. Ive been looking everywere how to do it, but i cant find it. So how do you do it? Best answer: Answer by CrystalYou […]
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