Question by superpanoramas: My Twitter account follows 3- 4 people a day I never followed. Nothing seems to change it. How do I stop it? I am trying this again because the previous time I asked no one seemed to understand what I was asking. – My problem isn’t about people following me, it is […]
by rcarver Question by the ryan: How to add link to my twitter account on my blog? I’d like to add a link on my blog (blogger account) which would enable readers to sign up for my twitter. Is there any way I can do this? Best answer: Answer by Victoriai have no clue….but just […]
US opens Twitter account in Arabic The US State Department has just launched a Twitter account which tweets messages solely in Arabic. Read more on TechEye Report: Google, Facebook Consider Buying Twitter Google Inc. and Facebook Inc. have both held low-level talks with Twitter Inc. about purchasing the social networking service, according to a report […]
Question by karan.gizmo: How to get rid of auto spam tweets (sent from my twitter account) about gaining more followers? I once landed up on a website where I entered twitter username and password. Since then, my twitter account is sending spam tweets automatically. They have messages like “found a new way to gain more […]
Question by MARILYN: Many businesses now have a Twitter account, MySpace account, or another social media tool they use to attract? What value do social media offer for professional use? How has your commercial behavior been affected by social media? As a class, brainstorm some ideas on how social media has affected commerce. Best answer: […]
Question by Jan: How can I reactive my twitter account if I forgot what email address I have registered it with? I did try to contact Twitter but there is no response despite of my multiple attempts. Thank you! Best answer: Answer by RogerTry again and click on the options forgot password-address .they then send […]
Question by Cool Square Chick: How long did you have a twitter account before you abandoned it? I registered a twitter account to see what all the hype is about… I gave up on it later that day. So how long did you use twitter before you decided never to go back? Best answer: Answer […]
by Brajeshwar Question by Jeeves: How do I set up multiple accounts on Twitter using only one e-mail account? I’ve noticed that most people on here hate Twitter for some reason, but can you help me out anyways? Can it even be done or do I need to create a whole new e-mail? Best answer: […]
by Pete Prodoehl Question by doug02346: how do I cancel my twitter account and start a new one? In my haste to open a twitter account I thought up a really dumb user name and went with it. Now I’m more serious about using twitter. How do I close out my existing account and open […]
Question by superpanoramas: My Twitter account follows 3- 4 people a day I never followed. Nothing seems to change it. How do I stop it? I don’t use any apps or Twitter automation software. I changed my password. It still happens. I have no clue how to stop it and it is annoying as hell. […]
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