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My Twitter account follows 3- 4 people a day I never followed. Nothing seems to change it. How do I stop it?

21 Nov Posted by in Twitter | 3 comments

Question by superpanoramas: My Twitter account follows 3- 4 people a day I never followed. Nothing seems to change it. How do I stop it?
I don’t use any apps or Twitter automation software. I changed my password. It still happens. I have no clue how to stop it and it is annoying as hell. I have to manually unfollow about 3-4 people each day that I don’t know, no idea who they are or where they are coming from.

Best answer:

Answer by Stephen
Are you sure they aren’t following you, That happens to me all the time but i’ve never had an issue with me following other people

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



  • salovera says:

    change your password and setting

  • SwtLzrdUWGB says:

    It sounds like people are searching and choosing to follow you. You don’t have to follow them but if it bothers you that they are following you you can continue to unfollow and block or make your account protected so only you approve who follows you. Good luck!

  • Inquisitive scholar says:

    It may be that your password has been stolen. So change it ASAP. And also make sure that your PC is not infected by any spyware. Use a good antivirus or at least an anti-spyware to prevent your password from being passed on to unauthorized people.

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