Question by Sydnie: Twitter Marketing Software – What is the Best Tool to Use?
What is the best Twitter Marketing software to use so I can find and follow people who are interested in the same things I have an interest in?
Best answer:
Answer by Dayne
i’m using tweettank
its a great video that will guide u on how to do it automatically
Add your own answer in the comments!
LabTweets is a Swiss Army Knife for Twitter Marketing. It’s a desktop application (buy it once, use it forever) and with LabTweets, you can not only find people to follow but you can automatically follow a Twitter user’s Followers, so you can build a targeted network very quickly. It also has many features that other tools offer individually.
LabTweets features let’s you:
Follows People
Unfollow People
Auto Tweet
Send Direct Messages
Send Auto Reply
Twitter Automation
Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts
Load Multiple Twitter Accounts using a simple text file
so you can see, LabTweets has a very robust feature function set, which is why they call it the Swiss Army Knife for Desktop Twitter marketing.