What to Know About Promoting Your Company on Twitter – What PR Professionals Need to Know About Using Twitter as a Valuable Public Relations Tool
What to Know About Promoting Your Company on Twitter is a time efficient way for PR professionals to understand how their company can use the exposure on Twitter as a valuable public relations tool. Take the 60-minutes to view this Instant Impact webinar (on your computer, mobile phone, iPod or printed out) to familiarize yourself with Twitter and understand how to get your company up and running in the right way, as approximately 20% of businesses are already using Twitter and this number is ex
Price: $ 250.00
Gettin’ Geeky with Twitter: Build Your Business and Manage Your Brand with Today’s Hottest Social Media Tool
From business connections (@GinaSchreck I’d like to have you come and speak at our conference in May) to marriage proposals (@Stefsull -ok for the rest of the twitter-universe (and this is a first folks) WILL YOU MARRY ME?) Twitter has changed the way we communicate. In business you’d better be able to engage and captivate in 140 characters or you and your five-page glossy brochure will be run over by a little blue bird! Gina Schreck shares not only WHY you need to be flapping your beak but w
List Price: $ 14.95
Price: $ 13.45
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