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Which one do you use: Facebook, Twitter or MySpace?

22 Mar Posted by in Twitter | 4 comments

Question by Ashkan: Which one do you use: Facebook, Twitter or MySpace?
I personally do not use Twitter because I found it so boring. I tried MySpace for a while but it was so untidy and complicated. But I’m using Facebook for more than 7 months and I found so interesting, it’s apps, albums, services and features are simple and interesting.

So what do you think about Facebook, MySpace and Twitter? which one you use and why 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Jonny D
Facebook is the best!!!

Give your answer to this question below!



  • Alex Garcia 42 says:

    i use myspace and facebook a little

  • Cheryl says:

    MySpace because its easier and i dont really like facebook when old friends and school mates look you up too add lol myspace is better i got my own profile that im happy with and my best friends and people who’s music i like etc thats enough

  • bsjokerkid says:

    First I made a myspace, but I kind of got sick of it, same as your reason, although though most of my my friends have one. And then I made a facebook, not really many people that I know have one but I do actually prefer it a lot more now. I’ve heard of Twitter but I’d rather not 😛

  • Itachi says:

    I used myspace for about 3 years, everyone was on it and i used to talk to everyone on there

    Now, im using facebook also and it looks like everyone is kida switching

    but i dont really use either of them that much anymore since i realized that being out is better than on the computer

    Twitter, i dont know anyone who uses that xD

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